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  WCHA Playoff Formats

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The WCHA playoff formats have changed many times over the years.  Following is a quick breakdown of how a playoff champion was determined over the years when the Gophers were a member of the WCHA.

1960-61, one round of four teams
1961-62, one round and a finals
1962-65, one round and a championship game
1965-68, two rounds with eight teams
1968-71, eight teams at East and West regionals
1971-76; 1977-1981, eight teams in two rounds of two-game total goal series
1976-77; 1981-1987, eight teams in two rounds of two-game total goal series plus a two-team championship
1988-92, an opening round, best-of-three series at campus sites followed by a conference playoff championship with four teams at one venue
1993-2013, an opening round, best-of-three series at campus sites followed by a conference playoff championship with five teams at one venue

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