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There have been 70 Gopher players that have had the honor to play or coach for their country in the Olympic Games since the 1936 Olympics.

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Year Name Hometown
1936 LaBatte, Phillip W. Minneapolis, MN
1948 Opsahl, Allan W. Minneapolis, MN
1948, 1952 Bjorkman, Rueben E. Roseau, MN
1952 Sedin, James W. St. Paul, MN
1952 Van, Allen St. Paul, MN
1952 Yackel, Sr., Kenneth J. St. Paul, MN
1956 Anderson, Wendell R. St. Paul, MN
1956 Campbell, Gene E. Minneapolis, MN
1956 Dougherty, Richard Leo International Falls, MN
1956 Petroske, John E. Hibbing, MN
1956 (c) Mariucci, John P. Eveleth, MN
1956, 1960 Mayasich, John E. Eveleth, MN
1956, 1960 Meredith, Richard O. Minneapolis, MN
1960 McCartan, John W. St. Paul, MN
1964 Brooks, David A. St. Paul, MN
1964 McCoy, Thomas J. Minneapolis, MN
1964 Meredith, Wayne B. Minneapolis, MN
1964 Schmalzbauer, Gary O. St. Paul, MN
1964 Westby, James A. Minneapolis, MN
1964,68,80(c),2002(c) Brooks, Herbert P. St. Paul, MN
(ac) = Assistant Coach of Olympic team
(c) = Coached Olympic team
(wac) = Assistant Coach of Womens Olympic team

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